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Let's make those digital assets work better for your business.

Many businesses often know that they need to improve their online presence. Whether this is the company website or the social profiles that they have set up. The vast majority of businesses have a Website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and a Google Business page.

This is all great stuff. These “digital assets” should ensure that current customers are informed of everything you offer as a business and also provide many reasons as to why they should engage with your company. Your social profiles should also act as a green flag to potential customers and clients.

Something to think about...

Think about it this way…the last product or service you bought was probably as a result of some online research. You see an advert, you checked the company website, you looked for the obvious things on the site, products, services, pricing. This satisfied the first stage of the buying cycle.

You then checked the company credentials. Business address, online reviews on google, and other social networks to give you buying confidence. How often do they post, what do they post, perhaps the comments section of their social networks. All this information gave you confidence to hit the checkout button or the contact button.

Now…Imagine the flip side of this. What are your current and potential customers and clients doing when they are looking for the product or service you provide? That’s right…the very same thing you did, the exact same buying cycle applies to your customers as it does to you when you become a consumer or potential client of company X.

Online Marketing
Now think about the various different skill sets that were required to get to the “Checkout” or “Contact Us” stage.
Online Marketing

Who's involved in the customer making process?

You will need a graphic designer, a website designer/developer, a digital marketer well versed in building sales funnels online and on social networks, a data analyst and a sales person. Add to that the after sales process of client on boarding and customer service.

Let’s say the cost for a full-time graphic designer, website designer/developer, digital marketer well versed in building sales funnels online and on social networks, data analyst and a salesperson would be around £100k in annual salary.

Let’s further break that down, if you hired a freelancer in each of these positions the cost for a single campaign with all the elements needed would be somewhere in the region of £2000. Above all of this you would have to project manage each individual to ensure your campaign is ready for launch. This can be all consuming and sometimes frustrating for you as a business owner trying to run the company

What is the true cost of any marketing campaign?

Imagine you need a campaign every quarter at a minimum, that’s £8000 per year before you even factor in “Ad Spend” which would need to be in the region of £8000 per year for 4x Quarterly Campaigns. So we now have £16,000 per year in total marketing cost.

Believe us when we say we have been there! That’s the reason we set up our agency. To make the process of creating marketing campaigns much more fluid and process driven, with an acute understanding of the correlation between campaign design and delivery. Our mission is to remove the pain points that many small business owners have experienced for years.

Each of our team members have crossover skillsets, which means the graphic designers are not just making pretty pictures with no foresight. It also means that the campaign managers don’t just look at the end goal, they work the campaign backwards from the goal, to the audience that we are engaging and the content needed to grab their attention, meaning that planning a campaign and creating a brief for the rest of the team is seamless. Our social marketing experts sit right in the middle of the process asking questions, doing research and providing the design team and the campaign managers with information that strengthens your campaign.

What makes us different?

We manage the entire campaign, keeping our eye on daily performance, making tweaks, and providing easy to understand reports on how the campaign is performing.

We are not full-time employees of your company, and yes you could see us a freelancer, but we are an agency that has a defined process for speed of delivery and set up, and because we are already two steps ahead in our planning, we can have your marketing campaigns set up in half the time and cost of in-house employees and other agencies. Removing the stress and frustration of a million phone calls and emails.

Ok, you've got this far...Now What?

If you would like to put us to the test, or if you would like to have a conversation with our campaign managers to get a feel for who we are and what we do, then we would be more than happy to have a chat, even if this chat is just to provide information and insight!

You can use the contact form below to get in touch and one of our campaign managers will organize the best time to contact you.

Would You Like To Know More?

If you would like to chat with a friendly team of experts we would be more than happy to discuss any project with you.