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West Coast Accelerator
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Thank you for your time at the West Coast Accelerator. We enjoyed presenting again and we’ve made our presentation available for download. No email entry, no sign up, just free for you. Refresh yourself on what we said, and some of the ideas we mentioned – with some additions just for your download.

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Speed of Light Digital was originally formed when the founders noticed a lack of revenue centred digital agencies in the market. Many were too focused on ‘soft’ returns, metrics like followers, likes.

We knew that you could aggressively target scalable sales, revenue and profit even with a small digital footprint.

A few of us joined forces, named ourselves after the rate at which people scroll through media and started getting some great results for our clients.

We’ve only went from strength to strength.



Our digital marketing professionals can review your marketing, website, and customer journey. We’ll even tell you what we would do – you can take that plan and DIY-it, or you can get us to implement it.

Our strategy and project plan

What we can help with

Review current strategy
Got a campaign, not got a campaign? No worries. Let's have a chat and see what you're currently doing and what you're trying to achieve. We'll do a short analysis on your Google Ads and tell you where we see opportunities to improve and optimise your ads
Set up AdWords Campaigns
Let's get started. We'll work on current campaigns you've got and discuss setting up new ones if they're needed. We'll review your offerings and make sure everything lines up with your ads. We'll check and double check your search ads and display ads and everything in between.
Complete Ads Management
We continue refining and managing your ads when they are live. Got new products? Fancy a Christmas campaign? Want to further refine by product, service or geography - let's do it! We'll take care of everything and report back regularly to you to make the ads get better.
Landing Page Creation
Your landing pages need to be awesome. You need to give the client what your ad said, this way the customer is expecting it and Google can accurately measure engagement - good ads are shown more, are cheaper and you get better return from them. We'll add great copy/text, alt-text and make sure your call-to-action is working and implemented from the customer perspective.
Tracking Conversions
We need to know what works. Tracking ads is one thing, finding out what converts is key. What's making sales, what is driving leads - when we know this we can improve your ROI further. Tracking is done using analytics and Google Ads but you need to make sure everything you want to track is tagged correctly.
Optimising and Refining Ads
After your ads are live we don't stop. We continue working with you to make sure the ones that are delivering keep doing so, and the ones that don't work as well get stopped. We refine the keywords and text on your ads and make sure landing pages are managed to deliver the best experience for your visitors. This boosts your ads return on investment and reduces ad costs.

Still not sure what you need?

It can all be confusing, reach out, tell us what you’re currently doing and what your goals are and we’ll help with some guidance on what we would do for you.

No obligation. No fee. Just a friendly chat to see how we might help.