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About Us

A collective. A team, within your team.

Speed of Light Digital are a perfectly formed group of smart, digital marketers. We’re geeky about our craft, we care about numbers on a level that you don’t have to.

Every year we help hundreds of businesses to increase their online presence in one form or another – whether it be their sales, their processes, their customer journey, we’re passionate about making things easier, smoother and frictionless for your customers.

We get our kicks out of dealing with lots of different types of businesses, solving problems in companies who sell cinema tickets, gym memberships, coaching and ballbearings amongst other things. We work with big companies, and small companies, multi-nationals, charities and government – the challenges are varied but we’ve got a great team of people who are almost as unique as the challenges we face.

We have those from purely creative backgrounds, to those with economic and commercial backgrounds – all of these skills in the mix means that we can take a project from the start, hold your hand, and see it right through to the end. Our skills stemming from creating the websites, graphics and copy for your marketing to interpreting spreadsheets of data on your ads and customer engagement to see how best to use your marketing spend.

Who do we want to be?

As corny as it sounds, our success is measured by your successes.

We’ve helped double, triple business. We’ve helped companies add new products to their business lines, we’ve helped companies enter new markets – both national and international.

We become more competent with each new business that we deal with. Each of you give us new insights in to how your business works.

It is this cumulative experience with other businesses we can give you a whole of market insight in to customers, consumers and actions that you may not have had working with a smaller agency, or freelancer who doesn’t have the breadth of experience we have at our disposal.

What are our values?

We’re open, honest, and transparent

Most of what we do has to be. We make decisions based on data and we can share that data with you. We make decisions as if your company were ours because we want you to succeed. When you succeed, we succeed.

We’re not here to sell you faff about digital branding that doesn’t actually make a difference to your company, we’ll tell you from the outset what we would do, and why we would do it – heck, we’ll even fight our corner if we believe it will truly benefit you but what we won’t do is give you some sort of opaque jargon to get you to work with us.

You won’t get jargon with us, you won’t get long tie in contracts – our results will make you want to stay, not our lawyers.

We’re ambitious

We don’t want to rule the world, just our little corner of it. But we want you to.

If you have visions of being the best, or even just a little better, we can help you get there with our help and skillset. If you have wild visions of ruling the world we’d love to be a part of that too. Our ideas can run off as crazy as they need to be, but we’ll run them by you in the first instance.

This is a partnership we’re running, if you’ve got ambition, we’ll help you get there.

We’re bold and innovative

In marketing, you have to be. Our ideas might be a little out there sometimes but we know how to tailor what we’re doing to where you want to go. We’re not afraid to push boundaries, whether that be on our behalf or yours and we’re not afraid of success.

We’ll help you plan out what success looks like – so we know when we’re there – and we’ll help plan out the steps after it too.

We’re actively focussed on making you stand out from the crowd, whether that be in something as simple as your creative, your copy, or a new process put in place for your customers you can guarantee we’ll be at the forefront of making your business do more, sell more and be more.

We’re collaborative

We’re ones to think outside the box, and sometimes that means working with other companies and people to help you achieve – we’ve enlisted the help of flash dance groups, drone pilots and fireworks because sometimes our ideas are bigger than all of us!

We won’t let ourselves be hampered by the fact that none of us can convincingly pull off the “Macarena” or that we’d (pretty much 100%) crash a drone on its maiden voyage. There’s nothing that holds us back. Don’t think you’re always in for a wild ride, but don’t think we’ll be the slow train either.

And… we’re an accredited provider through DesignRush.